• All assignments are posted on Canvas. The modules have corresponding names for the units, and are dated.


    Example: August 7 - August 11. 2023 - Week 1 - Introduction

    Monday, August 7

           Introductions and Class Expectations

    Tuesday, August 8

          Name Tents

    Wednesday, August 9

          Book Pick-up

    Thursday, August 10

         Lab Safety Quiz

    Friday, August 11

         Make-Up day


    Please have students continue working in Canvas in the event of their absence. 

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  • Contact Information:

    Instructor:  Ms. Tiffany Rogers

    Room Number: 509

    Email: rogerti@boe.richmond..k12.ga.us

    Phone: 706-755-9111 (text preferred)

    Office Hours: M-F during 2nd period; afterschool 2:30-3:30 or by appointment


    Supply List/Materials Required Daily:

    1) Pen (blue or black ink only) or Pencil

    2) Loose leaf paper and binder

    3) Chromebook (charged and ready for use)

    4) 2 inch, 3 ring binder - color dependent upon subject (to be kept in class)

    5) Pencil Pouch (to be left in class binder)



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  • Daily Assignments are due by no later than each Thursday.


    Grades are transferred from Canvas to Infinite Campus each Friday by no later than 5 P.M.


    Students will also be offered time at the end of the semester (before the lock date) to catch up on missing work and receive assistance with these assignments. There will also be Make-Up days/time worked into the class schedule.


    The assignments will lock at the  end of that semester. 

    Semester 1 Assignments will lock:

    December 8th @ 2:30pm. 


    Semester 2 Assignments will lock:

    May 10th @ 2:30pm.

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