Welcome 2024-2025

Welcome to American Literature and Ninth Grade Literature for 2024-2025 I am excited that you are joining me on this journey for my 38th year of education. I am thankful that you are allowing me to work with your child. I am a firm believer that schools and families must work together in order to find true success. This year, the theme for RCBOE is Navigating Toward Excellence. And here at CCHS we are embracing that spirit as well. The focus is on your child as we strive to help him/her find success. Our county ELA department has instituted a strong focus on literacy. Therefore, we will be reading and writing daily. I will also help your child to increase his/her reading lexile if any deficiencies are noted. Thank you so much for visiting my page. My contact information is as follows;
Email: jacksro@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
School Phone: 706-772-8140
Feel free to contact me as needed. I will respond as soon as possible.