Promotion and Retention

In accordance with O.C.G.A. § 20-2-282 through § 20-2-286 (Georgia Academic Placement and Promotion Policy), as now written or as hereafter amended, it is the policy of the Richmond County Board of Education (“Board”) that placement or promotion of a student into a grade, class, or program be based on an assessment of the academic achievement of the student and a determination of the educational setting in which the student is most likely to receive instruction and other services needed in order to succeed and to progress to the next higher level of academic achievement.

The Superintendent and appropriate staff shall develop rules and regulations governing promotion, placement, and retention of students in grades K-12.  Such rules and regulations shall include the following requirements:


  • Definitions consistent with those contained in State Board Rule 160-4-2-.11(Promotion, Placement and Retention);
  • All students shall be tested in accordance with requirements specified in State Board Rule 160-3-1-.07 (Testing Programs- Student Assessment);
  • The promotion of students in grades 3, 5, and 8 shall be determined in accordance with State Board Rule 160-4-2-.11 (Promotion, Placement, Retention) that requires those students to achieve grade level on the applicable subject of the appropriate end of grade Georgia Milestones assessment and satisfaction of local promotion criteria as specified in the rules and regulations described above; and
  • The promotion of students in grades 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 shall be based on a review of factors specified within the System’s rules and regulations, including the student’s performance and the appropriate end of grade Georgia Milestones assessment and satisfaction of local promotion criteria.
  • Kindergarten through 3rd Grades - meet promotion requirements, a student must master essential standards for Language Arts and essential standards for Mathematics as identified on the Richmond County Board of Education report card.