• We are very excited to welcome your family to Freedom Park. We also would like to welcome you to the beautiful city of Augusta, Georgia.


    Is Freedom Park a zone school?

    Freedom Park School is a K-8th grade public school located on Fort Gordon. We are not a DOD school, but a public school in the Richmond County School System district. Students of active duty service members who live on post are zoned for the school - Richmond County School System


    Change to “Please contact the School Options Office at (706)826-1136 for details.”

    Could you also please add that “Students must be residents of Richmond County to attend Richmond County Schools?”


    This is the link to the most recent school choice guide…



    How do I register my student for Kindergarten - 8th Grade? 

    Please click here to register. Please make sure you write down the code you will be given. You will need it later.


    How do I apply for a space in PreK?

    All applications for the Pre-K lottery will be processed online through the RCSS website.



    Freedom Park School Supply List:

     To view the 2019-2020 school supply list click here.  This information will remain on the website throughout the year as we continue to receive new students all year.


     Richmond County School Calendar:

    To view the 2019-2020 School Calendar click here.


    School Hours:

    School hours are 7:30 am - 2:30pm


    The building is open to receive students at 7:00 a.m. Please do not drop students off before this time as there may not be anyone to monitor them.

    The end of the school day is 2:30 p.m. Students who leave school before 2:30 p.m. will be counted tardy until a doctor's note is received. To protect the instructional day of all students, we do not release students early to avoid long lines. Calling into classes to release students early is disruptive to the education of all students in that class. Emergencies and doctors appointments will be handled on a case by case basis. 



    For the safety of our students, the front door will be locked from 2:20-2:30. At this time, the entire student body is moving around the building to their dismissal location. Adding more people in the foyer area (adults standing to wait on their students with or without other small children) increases the traffic and is a safety hazard for our current and future Eagles. The door will be unlocked at 2:30 pm so that you may pick up your students. Please do not stand in our hallways and grab your students out of line. Just a reminder, when you pick your student up early it is considered a tardy. In addition, they are missing the last few minutes of their class.


    What if I hate the long lines for pick up?

    It is best to wait until a little after 2:30 pm. You will be amazed at how easy it is if you arrive at 2:35. There is plenty of parking, you are not technically late, and there are no lines. Try it and let us know what you think.


    What do I do when I arrive at the school?

    Your GPS will direct you to 42nd street. This is actually the rear of the school. You want to park in the parking lot on 44th street. Push the grey button on the door to gain access to the school. When you enter the school go to the front office. The lovely Ms. Hughes will guide you from there.


    How does the school communicate with parents?

    Communication – Freedom Park understands communication is important in any relationship. Please check out the following pages, instant/mobile messaging sites, and social media sites we use to communicate with our families. This is also a great way to get to know us better.

    1. Remind Parents – This is an instant messaging account we use to communicate real-time information. Example, “Parents this is a reminder that report cards are distributed tomorrow.”
    2. Twitter - Follow us on Twitter!
    3. Instagram - Follow us on Instagram!
    4. Facebook - Follow us on our Facebook page Freedom Park SchoolPlease be advised that the Facebook page Freedom Park Elementary School is a private page and is not associated with our school.


    Do you have information regarding Fort Gordon?

    Fort Gordon, Georgia


    Do you have information regarding Augusta, Georgia?

    Augusta, Georgia