



    Mission Statement  

    The mission of Freedom Park School Counseling department is to provide a comprehensive department that addresses the academic, career, personal/social development for all students. In alignment with the mission of Richmond County school District and Freedom Park school, we are building a world class program focused in collaboration, education, and innovation across all settings. We support students, parents, fellow educators, and community members through collaboration and advocacy. We as counselors are committed to supporting students to meet their academic goals and their fullest potential across all settings.  


    Vision Statement  


    Freedom Park students will demonstrate leadership, personal growth, determination, and ethical behavior through the comprehensive school program. Students will be effective contributing members of society who are college are career ready. Their innovative approach creativity and effective communication will set them apart from their peers on a global scale.   


  • Ms. Kayla Mullen
    Data Specialist
    Phone: 706.796.8428
    Email: mulleka@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us

    Ms. Pamela Alridge

    Middle School Counselor 

    Phone: 706.796.8428 ext 3616 

    Email: AlridPa@BOE.Richmond.k12.ga.us


    Elementary School Counselor
    Phone: 706.796.8428

    Ms. Corina Hensley
    Guidance Secretary
    Phone: 706.796.8428 ext 3609
    Email: henslco@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us

    Military Family Life Counselor (Elementary School)
    Phone: 706.796.8428