Freedom Park School
Hello! I am looking forward to the upcoming school year! In my classroom, children are given the opportunity to learn and grow in a caring, comfortable and structured environment so they can be successful in their academic studies. I believe that teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents should work cooperatively to create a school atmosphere that promotes a love of learning.
Your child will have a homework folder that should be brought to school each day. Anything you need me to see (i.e. notes, transportation changes, money for functions) should be sent to school in the homework folder. Please check the homework folder each evening for notes from the teacher and homework. In order to complete homework, your child will need these materials at home: pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue.
Morning Drop-off
Breakfast starts at 6:50 am. School starts at 7:25 am. Please drop your child off in the back of the building. Parents will not be allowed inside of the school.
Afternoon Pick-up
School ends at 2:15pm and kids are to be picked up by 2:30 pm. If you choose to pick your child up from school, you must remain in your car in the car rider line at the back of the building. School staff will be outside to deliver car riders to vehicles. If your child is a bus rider or going to CYS, teachers will make sure they go the appropriate line during dismissal. Please send a written note if your child will go home a different way.
Please let me know if your child is to be given any medicine during school hours. Do not send medicine to school in your child’s book bag.
Our class will have snacks at the end of each day. Students will be assigned a day for snack. You will be able to bring snack earlier than your day, but it will be set aside for your child's assigned day. Richmond County requires healthy snacks, such as fruit, goldfish, graham crackers, yogurt, etc. If you have questions about what qualifies as a healthy snack let me know. Reminder: No snacks that contain Peanuts.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Class Dojo works best for me but you can always email me at lloydme@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us and I will get back with you as soon as possible. I am very excited to be a part of your child’s journey through Kindergarten! With parents, teachers, and school staff working together, success can be accomplished!
Thank you, Mrs. Lloyd