
Welcome to Kindergarten

  • Freedom Park School 


    I am looking forward to the upcoming school year! In my classroom, children will be given the opportunity to learn and grow in a caring, structured environment in order for them to be successful in their academic studies. I believe that teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents should work cooperatively to create a school atmosphere that promotes a love of learning. 


    Your child will have a homework folder that goes home every day. If there is anything you need me to see (i.e. notes, transportation changes, money for functions), it should be sent to school in that folder or messaged to me on Class Dojo. Please check the homework folder each evening for homework, behavior communicatiion, or any notes from the teacher. In order to complete homework, your child will need these materials at home: homework notebook/ paper, pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue.

    Morning Drop-off

    Kindergarten, along with pre-K and first grade will be meeting every morning in the big gym at 6:50am when the doors open. From 7:10am-7:15am, we will be moving to the classroom and getting our breakfast. Breakfast is free for all students. School starts at 7:25am. For the first two weeks, we will have someone wait for the students arriving after 7:15am to get them to the right classrooms and get breakfast. For your child and every child's safety, we ask that they be dropped off at the door, please do not walk up to your child's teacher inside the big gym, because they are making sure all their students arrive and are seated safely during morning drop-offs. Also, some teachers are watching more than one class sometimes.


    This year, lunch will be at no cost to students. If you wish to pack a lunch for your child, that is fine also.

    Afternoon Pick-up

    School ends at 2:10pm and students are to be picked up by 2:30 pm.

    Afternoon Dismissal Choices:

    Gym Walk-Up: If you live nearby and you feel like walking to school to pick your child up, you may. If you are driving and do not wish to sit in the car rider line at the back parking lot, you may park in the front parking lot and walk up to the front of the big gym. They will open the doors promptly at 2:10pm and you may go in to pick your child up. 

    Car rider line: You will drive around to the back parking lot for car rider pick up. Every car rider needs to have a car rider number. Please let me know if your child will be a car rider because I have to get them a number. This is the number you will have displayed on your dash or rearview mirror, anywhere visible to the staff at the beginning of the line. The staff member at the front will input the numbers onto our school spreadsheet so we can dismiss the car riders at the appropriate time. 

    Bus/ Jenkins Memorial: If your child rides the bus, please have a tag with their bus name or route number on it for the first few weeks.

    CYS: After-school program; we take all our CYS students to the big gym in the afternoon and they are checked in with the CYS staff.

    Please send a written note or Dojo me to let me know if for any reason, there is a change to your child's dismissal routine, whether temporary or permanent.


    Please let me know if your child is to be given any medicine during school hours and contact the school nurse at the front office. Please do not send medicine to school in your child’s book bag.


    Our class will have snacks at the end of each day. Students may bring in their own healthy snack. Richmond County requires healthy snacks, such as fruit, goldfish, graham crackers, yogurt, etc. If you have questions about what qualifies as a healthy snack, let me know. We accept class-sized snack donations for students who may be unable to bring in a snack. Ms. Dallas and I will be donating snacks as well. 


     If you need to contact me for an appointment, concerns, or any other reason, please message me on Class Dojo. If I don't respond on time, call the school at 706-796-8428 or email me at faapual@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us. I will get back with you as soon as possible. I am very excited to be a part of your child’s journey through Kindergarten! With parents, teachers, and school staff working together, success can be accomplished!


    Ms. Faapue