This year Richmond County School System is offering online registration for your convenience. If you need assistance, you may visit the school during our summer hours. We are available from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM daily. During the school year, we are available at 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. You may also visit the Richmond County Board of Education and someone will be there to assist you. Please be aware, those who register online must still visit the school to complete registration and receive a schedule.
To register your student online, please visit http://rcboe.org/Domain/8029
Transfers from GA schools not in Richmond County:
- Withdrawal papers from other Georgia school
- The latest copy of student's report card
- Social Security Card
- Completed Eye, Ear, and Dental form*
- Completed Immunization form*
- Certified Birth Certificate
- Proof of Ft. Eisenhower residency
* on Georgia forms
Transferring from another Richmond County School:
- Most current report card from the previous school
- Withdrawal paper from the previous school
- Proof of Ft. Eisenhower residency
- Middle school students must show proof of MMR immunization
Out of state transfers:
- Withdrawal paper from the previous school
- The latest copy of student's report card
- Social Security Card
- Certified copy of a birth certificate
- Proof of Ft. Eisenhower residency
- Immunization information transferred to Georgia form**
- Eye, Ear, and Dental form**
** The Eye, Ear, Dental and Immunization forms may be obtained from the Health Department-Downtown Augusta or Eisenhower Medical Center-Fort Eisenhower.