• Standards Based Progress Reports and Report Cards

      This year we will be implementing our new Standards Based Progress Report/Report Card to show the progression of our students. 

      Please take a moment to review this link. Richmond County Board of Education has set up a public page on the website with general information and sample report card examples.


      • Dates to be Sent Home:

      Q1 Progress Reports September 5, 2019

      Q1 Report Cards October 17, 2019

      Q2 Progress Reports November 14, 2019

      Q2 Report Cards January 9, 2020

      Q3 Progress Reports February 6, 2020

      Q3 Report Cards March 19, 2020

      Q4 Progress Reports April 23, 2020

      Q4 Report Cards May 29, 2019 (Pick Up) or May 30, 2019 (Mail Out)

    • Standards Based Report Card

      • What is the purpose of a standards-based report card?

        The purpose of the new reporting system is to provide parents, teachers and students with more accurate information about students' progress toward meeting standards. Parents will be more aware of what their children should know and be able to do by the end of each grading period.  

      • How is progress measured?

        The new report card for grades K-3 will include a grading scale (1-4). 

        • 1- Beginning Learner
        • 2-Developing Learner
        • 3-Proficient Learner
        • 4-Distinguished Learner

        If an indicator is not measured during the grading period, the student will NOT receive a mark on the report card.

      • How are standards-based report cards different from traditional report cards?

        On traditional report cards, students receive one grade for each subject.  On a standards-based report card, each of the subject areas is divided into a list of skills and knowledge indicators that students are learning. 

        How will promotion be determined?

        For promotion to the next grade, students in K-3 must have at least an overall score of 2 in ELA and Math.  The overall score will be calculated as the average of the 4th term scores on each indicator for ELA and Math.  Third grade students must also meet the requirements related to the Georgia Milestones Assessement.  See promotion policy.


        Please take a moment to review this link. We have set up a public page on the website with general information and sample report card examples.


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