So... What in the world is MTSS anyway?
MTSS, which stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports, is a data-driven framework that uses a variety of assessments to identify and predict students who may be at risk for poor learning outcomes, who experience social/emotional needs, and/or behavioral concerns that impact learning, OR students who may need accelerated supports and challenges.
MTSS provides educators and school staff with academic and behavioral strategies for students with various needs, whether the supports needed are academic interventions, enrichment and extensions, behavioral, or social-emotional. MTSS provides instruction and support to promote full student success. MTSS targets every single student, and makes sure that all students in the school are receiving the proper and personalized instruction/services to be successful. No student should be left behind for any reason with which the school can assist.
Under the MTSS umbrella: RTI, SST, SEL and Mental Health, PBIS, Attendance, and any other Wraparound Services (Speech, Counseling, School Psychology, etc).
Check out this video to learn more!
Georgia operates within a three-tiered, multi-level prevention system. Students receive services at all levels, depending on their needs. When all components are implemented, research shows results include strengthened Tier 1 instruction with 80% of students responding to core curriculum.
Georgia's Tiered System of Supports for Students represents a cross-divisional effort among Teaching and Learning, School and District Effectiveness, Federal Programs, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and Special Education.Helpful Links: