Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Contact Information
Dr. Stacey MabrayDistrict MTSS Coordinatormabrast@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us706-826-1000, ext. 5160
GaDOE Resources
District Resources
What is MTSS?
Georgia operates within a three-tiered, multi-level prevention system. Students receive services at all levels, depending on their needs. When all components are implemented, research shows results include strengthened Tier 1 instruction with 80% of students responding to core curriculum.
Georgia's Tiered System of Supports for Students represents a cross-divisional effort among Teaching and Learning, School and District Effectiveness, Federal Programs, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and Special Education.
The essential components of Georgia’s framework are aligned with the nationally vetted Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) including: Screening, Progress Monitoring, Multi-Level Prevention System, and Data-Based Decision Making. Georgia added Infrastructure as a fifth component to ensure schools can develop a systemic and preventive educational system that can easily be personalized for every child. The following are critical elements of Infrastructure: Leadership, Effective Teaming, Professional Learning, and Family & Community Engagement.
What falls under the MTSS umbrella?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventoins and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where all students succeed.
Richmond County currently enrolls about 10 schools per school year into the GA PBIS training. Kourtney Bell and Javon Jackson are the PBIS Coordinators for RCSS. Check out more information on our PBIS Initiatives here!
Response to Intervention & Student Support Teams
In Richmond County, we have been implementing SST, as required by state law, and Response to Intervention (since July 2007). Support Services worked in collaboration with Teaching and Learning to develop effective processes and procedures for the district to address the areas of student growth at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels. Information about RtI and SST can be found on our website! Additional training continues as we are rolling out training and resources for a more comprehensive and preventative Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
The Georgia Department of Special Education provides information about SST and the state law regarding SST on the DOE website.
School Based Mental Health
Richmond County School System is devoted to assisting students in all areas that impact academic achievement, including mental health. We currently have school-based mental health support counselors to assist with interim and short-term counseling, while outside support is arranged. In addition, the APEX program is a state-funded program that provides school-based mental health services at the Glenn Hills cluster of schools. Please contact the school counselor for more information or a referral to the program.
Visit our Mental Health page for monthly information!
State resources for mental health can be found on the GADOE website at https://www.gadoe.org/wholechild/Pages/Mental-Health.aspx
Wraparound Services
Our school system offers wraparound services within our schools and at the Success Center, located at 1740 Walton Way, Augusta, 30904 (Tubman Education Center). For available individual school supports, please contact the school directly or the school social worker.
Information on the whole-child initiative can be found here: GADOE Wraparound Supports.