

    Angela Burnett

    Mrs. Angela Burnett
    Executive Administrative Assistant


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    The Curriculum & Instruction and Technology Division seeks to develop common ground around the work of student achievement in the Richmond County School System. 


    In order for students to achieve positive academic outcomes, it is important to connect instructional tools and resources with evidence-based instructional strategies and practices.  Through collaboration to build effective learning environments, the Curriculum & Instruction and Technology Division brings a wealth of expertise to support classrooms across the district.  District Curriculum & Instructional Leaders are highly knowledgeable about the keys to improving student academic performance and the strategies that will engage and motivate student learning at high levels.   In addition they strive to provide the wrap around services needed to ensure that every child achieves to their  highest potential in an environment lead by a highly qualified, caring teacher.   Technology Specialists have expertise about the trends and emerging applications to support infrastructure, networks, and devices that have tremendous potential for student learning and teacher productivity.   Working together, we can connect the dots, combining effective instructional practices with robust and engaging resources and tools in a safe and orderly learning environment.