PSAT 8/9
Get Ready for High School and BeyondThe PSAT 8/9 measures what you are learning in school and helps determine if you're on track for high school and beyond.
- Build Confidence: By taking the PSAT 8/9, you are also practicing for the PSAT 10 and the SAT which gives you confidence in knowing what to expect.
- Choose High School Courses: Your score report will show you which subjects you are good at as well as subject you may need to focus on more.
- Explore Your Future Career: Connect your PSAT 8/9 results to Career Finder, a tool that helps you discover based on your interests.
How to Prepare for the PSAT 8/9The same habits and choices that lead to sucess in school will help you get ready for the PSAT 8/9 and other tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments. The best way to prepare is to:
- Do your homework
- Prepare for tests and quizzes
- Ask and answer lots of questions
Major Features
PSAT 8/9 Total Testing Time 2 hours and 25 minutes Components 1. Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
- Reading Test
- Writing Test
Important Features Focus on the knowledge, skills and understandings that research has identified as most imporant for college and career readiness and success
Greater emphasis on the meaning of words in extended contexts and on how word choice shapes meaning, tone and impact.
Rights-only scoring (a point for a correct answer but no deduction for an incorrect answer; blank responses have no impact on scores)Score Reporting Total Score: Scale ranges from 240 to 1440.
Section Score: Scale ranges from 120 to 720, and 6 to 36 on test and cross-test scoresSubscore Reporting Subscores on a 1 to 5 scale for every test, providing added insight for students, parents, educators and counselor. Test Length and Timing
Component Time Allotted (min.) Number of Questions/Tasks Reading 55 42 Writing and Language 30 40 Math 60 38 Total 145 120