Miss Kadeshia L. Freeman
Content Areas: United States History / AP United States History / Personal Finance and Economics
Email: freemka@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Course Schedule:
1st - U.S History
2nd - Planning
3rd - Personal Finance and Economics
4th - U.S History
5th - AP U.S History
6th - U.S History
7th - U.S History
My key philosophy in life can be summarized with the saying you may not ALWAYS get what you receive but you ALWAYS reap what you sow. I am the product of God's grace, resiliency, and hard work. Furthermore, I am a firm believer that we do not have to be a product of our circumstances, but through education, knowledge, and a sense of purpose, we can all thrive and seek to be the best version of ourselves.
I was born and raised in a small town in Southeast Georgia. Even though there was a village of amazing people who helped raise me and lay the foundation of my life, I am thankful to my parents and siblings. Directly after high school, I served in the Air Force for eight years as an Intelligence Analyst. I have been an educator for three years. It was put on my heart and is a part of my given purpose to be an Educator, to share my love of history and learning with not just the younger generation but anyone that I encounter, and to have a positive impact on my local community. During my off time I like to go to museums, photography, and watch documentaries.
I look forward to spending this upcoming school year with you all. This will be a year of success, learning, and positivity. And remember it does not matter WHERE you start, but HOW you finish.
Forever Learning,
Miss Freeman