•             Welcome to
    TW Josey HS Air Force JROTC 
    "The mission of Air Force JROTC is to develop citizens of character
    dedicated to serving their nation and community"
       GA-064 AFJROTC
    Outstanding Unit, 2016-2017
    Outstanding Unit, 2017-2018
    Outstanding Unit, 2021-2022
    Distinguished Unit, 2022-2023
    See Reference Documents Tab for Welcome Letter Attachments 

AFJROTC Announcements

  • Weekly Schedule (unless otherwise posted)

    Mon - Wed - Academics / Normal Attire

    Thu - Drill / Assigned Uniform of the Day

    Fri - Physical Training / Assigned Uniform of the Day


    WEEK OF:  10-14 Feb 2025

    Mon - Normal Attire / Academics / Drill

    Tue - Normal Attire / Academics / Drill

    Wed - Normal Attire / Academics / Drill  

    Thu -  ABU's / Drill  

    Fri - NO SCHOOL / Teacher Pro Learning Day










    Comments (-1)

    DATE    Flight  -   Rev      Ret          

    3   Feb                       A

    7   Feb                                     C

    10 Feb                       B   

    13 Feb                                      

    18 Feb                       C

    21 Feb                                     A

    24 Feb                       D

    28 Feb                                     B










    Comments (-1)




    Rifle Team Practice

    30 min before next home match


    Color Guard 

    3 per


    Drill Team(s) 

    2 per (AFJROTC 30 step)







     Any Replacement Sweats / PT Stuff beyond initial issue is now $20 each 



    MON 10 Feb - Away Rifle Match @ Appalachee HS


    TUE 11 Feb - Home Rifle Match vs. Madison Co. HS


    WED 12 FEB - Away Rifle Team Match @ Jackson HS 


    THU 20 Feb 3rd Promotion Test


    FRI 28 Feb - Ft Eisenhower PT Field Trip, MUST WEAR AFJROTC GREEN


    TUE 4 Mar - AS200 Field Trip to WJBF Meteorology Dept - MUST HAVE GRADE ABOVE 75 NLT 3 Mar


    FRI 14 Mar - AFJROTC Inspection


    Have a Fine, Fine, JROTC Day!!










    TO ACCESS CANVAS: use the Launch Pad to access Canvas 
    1. Go to Google Chrome (install it, if you don't have it)
    2. Go to www.rcboe.org
    3. Select the Students tab
    4. Select Launch Pad
    5. Type in your Username (last.firstM@richmond.k12.ga.us)
    and your Password
    6. Click on the Canvas icon on LaunchPad











    Comments (-1)
     Lt Col B                                                                    
    Lt Col Kurt Barry, PhD, USAF (ret)
    Senior Aerospace Science Instructor 
    Grade(s): 10, 12
    Subject(s): AFJROTC II, IV
    Phone:  706-737-7360 x1688

  • Official Photo
    MSgt Dominique Holt, USAF (ret)
    Aerospace Science Instructor 
    Grade(s): 9, 11
    Subject(s):  AFJROTC I, III
    Phone: 706-737-7360 x1687