Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Lewis
Bienvenidos a la clase de español. My name is señora Ami Lewis. I am a native Spanish speaker from Panama, Central America. This year I will be teaching Spanish 1A, Spanish 1B, and Spanish exploratory.
I am an alumnus of Limestone University where I received my BS in social work.
In my spare time I love to travel, spend time with my family, and try different foods.
I am available for tutoring on Tuesdays from 3:40-4:40 by request and prior approval.
E-mail: jonesam@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Phone: 706-250-0576 (before 8 PM)
Availability: M-F 7:50 AM-4:00 PM
Un idioma distinto es una visión diferente de la vida. – Federico Fellini
(A different language is a different vision of life.)
This year in Spanish, I hope to introduce students not just to the language, but to the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. We will be reading, writing, and speaking in Spanish and learning through music. Students will be supplementing their in-class work with additional practice in Duolingo. Tutoring will be available by appointment.
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Class codes:
Spanish 1A/1B: @k286ec
Exploratory: @3g386ebf