Mission, Vision, Beliefs
Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School
Serving Students in Grades 6 - 12
Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School (RCTCM) provides technical and career programs, serving students in Grades 6-12, throughout the district. Our campus is very unique from all other schools in the district because we share the same campus as Augusta Technical College.Our focus is early college and career ready opportunities. We currently have the majority of our senior students and several of our high school students, participating in Dual Enrollment (a state funded program for eligible students in Georgia). In addition to Dual Enrollment, our upperclassmen participate in Work-Based Learning, giving them multiple options: earning an associate’s degree/certificate/diploma prior to completing high school; graduating early; or starting a lifelong career. It is our goal to create an intense employment pipeline to meet the needs of the community as well as the nation’s workforce.Specialized Programs at RCTCM:Computer Networking, Culinary Arts, Electronics, Energy Systems, Audio/Video Technology & Film, Art, Spanish, Web Design, Chorus, Orchestra, Drama, and Waste Water Management (after school program). We also partner with the Cyber Academy of Excellence, Marion Barnes Career Center, and Reaching Potential Through Manufacturing (RPM).Mission
Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School is committed to Educating, Inspiring, and Preparing the students of today to become the skilled professionals of tomorrow.
The vision of RCTCM is to provide each student with an abundance of L.O.V.E. -
Learning, Opportunities, Values, and Excellence.
Belief Statement
"Success is a habit, not a destination. It results from repeatedly working hard, extensive preparation, and learning from disappointments."
3200B Augusta Tech Dr., Augusta, GA 30906
Telephone: 706.823.5580
FAX: 706.796.4889