Workforce Ready Pathway Introduction to Career Competencies Course Number 32.43000
Course Description
In this course students acquire employability skills that ease their transition to the workforce. Specific skills within the course provide additional opportunities for students to sharpen academic and employability skills, financial literacy, multiple forms of communication strategies, mastery of technology and specific-related tools, workplace safety, and self-advocacy approaches. These essential skills and concepts need to be taught in an individualized basis to meet the academic and workplace skill-needs of students. Through participation in this career pathway, students will learn about the world of work by achieving academic challenges, participating in project-based learning activities, workplace enrichment experiences, and participation in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) that provides inner-personal and group-related leadership skills. Requisite Exposure: Teacher will need to allow or provide for guest speakers to visit classrooms to provide workforce simulations, information, and case studies. Teacher will also need to allow or provide for business and industry/community access through visits, tours, shadowing, internships, work-based learning, registered apprenticeship, and/or related opportunities such that students experience work-related settings.