Samantha ThomasAdministrative AssistantPhone: 706.592.3730 Ext. 0Email: ThomaSa1@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Motto-Let no one discourage your ambitious attitude. You don’t need a fan club to achieve your goals. Be your own MOTIVATION!!
Ms. Samantha Thomas is a native of Hephzibah Georgia and a product of the Richmond County School System. She is a proud graduate of Hephzibah High School Class of 1987. After high school she furthered her education by attending Fort Valley State University.
Ms. Thomas started her professional career with the Richmond County Board of Education in 1988 as a teacher’s assistant at Craig- Houghton Elementary School. In 2013 she became the 2013 bookkeeper/Secretary at Jenkins White Elementary School. In 2014 she became the secretary of Pine Hill Middle School Guidance Department. During
that time, she served as the assist cheerleading coach. In 2016 she was promoted to Administrative Assistant position where she currently serves.
During the 2020 Academic School Year; the Administration, Faculty, and Staff of Pine Hill Middle School awarded her the 2020 Panther’s Award. The award is given to the person who exemplifies the true Pine Hill Spirit: through dedicated and excellent performance, outstanding support to the administration, faculty, staff, students, and parents.
Ms. Thomas is an active and dedicated member of Beulah Grove Baptist Church with the residing pastor Rev. Dr. Sam Davis.