• Greetings,


    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am elated to have the opportunity to serve the students and families of Pine Hill Middle School. The faculty and staff at Pine Hill take your child’s education very seriously. We strive to create a safe learning environment where all students are actively engaged in rigorous academic learning for optimal growth and development. We will be fair and consistent.  We are very excited about the endless opportunities that are offered at Pine Hill. It is our goal to educate the whole child.


    I do want you to understand that our main focus is the students, so most of our day is spent with students and teachers, so there will be times during the day that administrators may not be able to meet. Because we do want to address your concerns as quickly as possible and to prevent long wait times, it is suggested that you call before coming to the school. The first 45 minutes of the day and the last 45 minutes of the day are very busy times for the faculty and staff, and it is imperative that our complete focus is on safely receiving and dismissing students, so no meetings will be scheduled during those times. Thanks for your understanding.


    Again, it is my pleasure to serve the students and families at Pine Hill Middle School. We are striving to make Pine Hill the best experience ever! Thanks for your continued support and remember, “Great Things are Happening at Pine Hill”.



    Yours in Education,





    Dr. Kelly