Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
I am glad to be serving as your Orchestra Teacher during 4th Period at Hephzibah High School.
As we work together this year, let's learn to persevere through challenging tasks, appreciate the responsibility of working in concert with others toward a common goal, foster our critical thinking skills, grow more eloquent in expressing ourselves both musically and verbally, and contribute beauty to the world in which we live.
County Instruments--
For those of you who need to discuss county instruments, please e-mail or call me. This is done on a case by case basis.
If I haven't heard you play lately, I'd love to hear your progress and help you with any problems!
On this page you will find:
*my contact information, office hours, and a little about me
*pictures of students enjoying playing in our program--maybe even you!
*Pro-tip videos that will help you become a better and more informed player
*music videos that I hope will inspire you
*buttons for your orchestra level containing lots of important information
*a couple of things to tickle your funny bone
*and even a couple of stories for when you are sleepy. :-)

Rachel MisnerEmail:misnera@boe.richmond.k12.ga.usGrade(s): 4-12Subject(s): violin, viola, cello, bassTutoring Hours: Tuesday evenings, 6:00-8:00 or by appointment
What's a Misner?
Misner is a girl who grew up in the rolling hills of southern Indiana playing the horn. She went to a small Methodist school called Illinois Wesleyan University. In spite of being a small school, it had a vibrant and active school of music and Misner studied horn performance with Laura Fairfield . After graduating with honors, Misner thought that she might want to teach Music History as well as playing the horn, so she embarked on graduate studies at the University of South Carolina. There she studied music history with Dr. Georgia Cowart and Dr. Daniel Beller-McKenna as well as continuing her studies on horn with Mr. Robert Pruzin. During this time, Misner began playing with the South Carolina Philharmonic, the Augusta Symphony, and the Augusta Opera. In a funny turn of events, Misner was looking for horn students to teach privately, but she was asked to teach orchestra to middle school students in the Charlotte-Mecklenberg school system. Misner had taken cello as a minor instrument study in college, but just because she loved the sound of it--not because she thought she would need to know how to teach it. Those first years of teaching orchestra were really hard! Misner had to study string playing and string pedagogy constantly to become a competent teacher, but it was so worth it! Misner loves the kids who choose a string instrument--they are creative, bright, not afraid to be themselves, kind, cheerful and sweet! Misner is a girl who is grateful for string students and all that knowing them and working with them brings to her life. That's what a Misner is!