• Welcome parents, students and colleagues to Personal Finance & Economics, American Government/Civics, and World Geography with Coach Pedano.
    This is my 10th year teaching and coaching at Hephzibah, and I am proud to be a part of the Rebel Team.
    Learning is a life-long endeavor. Learning builds the foundation for success. My goal is to connect each student's experiences to that of which they will research through immersion and skill building. I challenge you to learn and grow with me.
    I graduated 3rd in my class from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor's Degree in Teaching, Economics and all the Social Studies courses. Plus, I was the Student Teacher of the Year for Social Studies Content in my senior year in college.
    I originally come from the South Philadelphia/South Jersey area and have a large Italian family (400 give or take a few) in South Jersey. I love a good cheese steak, and I'm an Eagles fan, a Phillies fan, a 76ers fan, and a Flyers fan.
    Fun fact: When I was 16 years old, I went to the Olympic Training Camp to train with Olympian Wrestlers who wrestled in the 1976 Olympics.
    I have been the Hephzibah Rebels Head Wrestling Coach for 10 years now. In that time frame, we have placed 2nd and 3rd in the region several years in a row. Also during that time, we've had two 3rd place (Terrence Herrin & Daniel Hargrove), one 4th place (Ivan Arroyo), and one 6th place (Malik Joyner) at the State Wrestling Championships. Wrestling is a physical contact sport, and I invite you to come out for the sport and test your metal.
    I look forward to working and growing with you this year, 2024-2025.
    Please feel free to email me or set up an appointment in the front office. Appointments should be scheduled between 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM. I am flexible.
    Students in all of my classes will be using school email in outlook from your Launch Pad and messaging in Canvas to communicate with me.
    This is the formal email system that we will use. Please do not use your personal Gmail, yahoo, etc. to communicate with me; use the school email you were provided.
    You can find your username and password in your Infinite Campus. Plus, I will be using Canvas messaging to communicate with you and I will remind you of important items of interest in ANNOUNCEMENTS on Canvas.
    If you need tutoring, please email me or talk with me at school. Tutoring will take place immediately after school at 2:15 PM and run to 3:15 PM. I am the wrestling coach too, so please schedule your tutoring appointments.
    Let's have a positive outlook on the coming year and shoot for the stars.
    Thank you!
  •  Mr. Pedano  
    Name George R. Pedano
    Email: pedange@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
    Grade(s): 10th, 11th and 12th
    Subject(s): Economics