Here is the book we are using this year. You can obtain a copy at the local music store or online: https://kjos.com/strings/methods/muller-rusch.html
Here is a virtual performance by kids your age. Could you do this?
HERE IS A BEAUTIFUL PERFORMANCE OF ONE OF MY FAVORITE PIECES. IT WAS PLAYED BY EACH INSTRUMENTALIST WHILE THEY WERE AT HOME. 💚🎻🎼 Milwaukee Symphony playing Nimrod from Enigma Variations by Edward ElgarBach Double never sounded like this before!
PRO TIP VIDEO #1: From Huthmaker Violin
THE BOW HAIRS & HORSES: From Huthmaker Violins
ALL ABOUT EBONY: From Huthmaker Violins
I love this music! Bach by Horns
--Below are pieces you should be working on:
Audition excerpt
Star Wars Reads music
Hispanic Heritage Festival music (this is tentatively coming back this year, but down at Tubman)
"Tea Party" music
--Recording Links that you can listen to and even play along with!
--El Relicario Measures of Note--these are excerpts of the tricky places, played at slow, medium and performance speeds by the other teachers and me:
You will need the sound files for El Relicario. The excerpts are played at different tempo markings to help you practice.
Violin 2, Viola, Cello & Bass Beginning to measure 18
Violin 2 & Viola Measure 18-34
Violin 2 & Viola Measure 51-60
Violin 1 Measure 37-42
Violin 1 Measure 102-106
--Violin 1 fingerings:
Measure 33 Measure 37-40 Measure 68-69 Measure 75 Measure 76 Measure 79-80
--Note Reading Practice:
Below are Links to Note Reading Practice, in case there is a particular string that is still giving you trouble.
Cello C String Viola C String Violin G String
Cello G String Viola G String Violin D String
Cello D String Viola D String Violin A String
Cello A String Viola A String Violin E String
--More Practice:
If you finish alllll of that and want something else to work on, try
Sight Reading Factory.com Practice new songs!
When you go to the Sight Reading Factory web site, you will need to e-mail me for credentials to log in. I can't post them here.
Virtual Sheet Music.com Practice songs you know and learn new ones!
When you go to the Sight Reading Factory web site, you will need to e-mail me for credentials to log in. I can't post them here.
--Free Virtual Classical Concerts:
Also, take a look at this from the Berlin Philharmonic! You can choose specific pieces, composers, eras, soloists, conductors, and more!
You can sign in free for a month and hear great concerts! Hear favorites & discover new pieces!
Current Assignment:Audition Scales and ExcerptDate Due: 09/13/22Past Due Assignments
I hope you are all doing well! I value each one of you!