
Ms.Mogianesi Grading Practice & Pedagogies

  • This section is under renovation and revision. Updates will be posted soon for you. 9/18/21


    Please note that all of my assessments for grades are based on three weighted categories:

    Minor Grades, Formative: 60%

    Major Grades, Summative: 40%

RCBOE Grading Overview


    Students are required to complete all work and to participate in all classroom activities. Students must observe county and school academic policies. Homework is a part of each student's total evaluation. Required rehearsals and performances also affect grades in fine arts classes. 
    Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher(s) to request makeup work. The teacher shall promptly and courteously allow students the opportunity to make up missed assignments and tests. Classwork and tests missed due to unexcused absences may be subject to a 10 percent grade reduction.

    Final exams will count for 20% of the overall grade for each high school course.  Georgia Milestone Assessments and other state-mandated assessments may not be exempt. 

    Final exams for students in grades 9-12 may be exempted provided students meet the following requirements:

    • No more than 6 non-school-related absences for the year-long courses and 3 for semester courses.
    • 90 average or above in the course 
    Note: DFA Honor Roll is 85 – 100 in all classes for each 9 weeks

    Grading Scale

    All students will be graded on the following scale:


    100 - 90 80-89 75-79 70 - 74 69 and below

    Grade Point Average 4.0 (GPA)

    4.0 Scale Description Letter Grade 100-Point Scale
    4.0 Exceeds Proficiency A+ 98–100
    3.8 Exceeds Proficiency A 95–97
    3.6 Exceeds Proficiency A- 93–94
    3.4 Proficient B+ 90–92
    3.2 Proficient B 87–89
    3.0 Proficient B- 85–86
    2.5 Partially Proficient C 75–84
    2.0 Partially Proficient D 70–74
    1.0 Insufficient Evidence F 69 and below

    Promotion shall be based upon the teacher's evaluation of the student's proficiency as well as county policy.
    *All information stated below is sourced from the RCSS Exam Policy, DFA Student Handbook, and RCBOE Code of Conduct.*