Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Jennifer Knight
My name is Jennifer Knight, and I teach eighth-grade Language Arts at Davidson. I have been married to a wonderful man for thirty years, and we have two sons. We also have three dogs and a cat! I have a tremendous passion for the written word and love conversing with others about meaningful literature. Also, I love all things Georgia and Georgia Bulldogs, and I collect unusual pens!
I earned my bachelor's and master's degrees from Augusta University, and this year will begin my thirty-first in the classroom. I have taught all high school ELA grades and levels, including AP Literature and Composition, in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. I also taught French I, SAT Prep, Yearbook, Creative Writing, and Credit Recovery classes. Additionally, I have been a Teacher of the Year, a Rock Hill Distinguished Climber, a Senior Project Coordinator, a yearbook sponsor, a graduation coordinator, and a Student Council sponsor.
This year, I will be teaching Study Skills and eighth-grade Language Arts. I host tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-4:15 pm, and Wednesdays, 7:45-8:20 am.
I look forward to a wonderful year with you! Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.
Daily Schedule:
1A=Study Skills, 6th
1B=Study Skills, 6th
3rd=8th-grade ELA
4th=8th-grade ELA
6th=8th-grade ELA
7th=8th-grade ELA

Nuggets for Success in Mrs. Knight's class:
1) Check Canvas daily and work ahead where possible. Canvas is updated weekly, and every time something changes. Checking for upcoming quizzes, tests, and project dates is extremely helpful. That way, you can work and study ahead and not leave a lot of homework for the night before something is due.
2) Maintain effective communication with Mrs. Knight. Email or send a Canvas text (see #4) with questions about an assignment, upcoming quiz, or test. Emailing about current or upcoming absences is helpful, too.
3) Check your Infinite Campus every one to two days. Knowing where you are on your average regularly can help you maintain or improve your average. Additionally, you can check for missing work.
4) Join Mrs. Knight's Class Remind. I send out valuable text reminders and communication all year. You can also text me with questions using the app. The join code will be on the Class Canvas Page under Announcements, and I will have students join on the first days of school.
5) Attend tutoring. Whenever you encounter something in class that you struggle with, it is a good idea to attend tutoring with Mrs. Knight. My tutoring hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:15 or by appointment. I also help with study skills, organization, time management, etc. Be prepared to let me know what you need help with upon arrival. You are welcome to use the time to work, read, get caught up, etc., or we can work together.
6) Be proactive about makeup work when absent. Check Canvas, email me, or speak to me before or after class or school for missing work.
7) Maintain your class agenda. Having a list of tasks to check off at home each night is helpful as you work on homework and upcoming assignments.
8) Turn in any missing work quickly. If you miss turning in an assignment, take the time to complete it and submit it to Mrs. Knight with a late form.
9) BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE! This critical philosophy makes for successful academic performance in a class.