9-12 MOID
F. Tuff
Course Syllabus 2024-2025
Hello!! My name is Felica Tuff. I attended Georgia Southern University, Lesley University and Lincoln University where I earned a B.S. in Exceptional Child, a M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction and an Ed.S in Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision. This is my 29th year of teaching. My paraprofessionals are Ms. Brenda Lewis and Mr. Martist Jackson.
I will provide your child with a nurturing and challenging environment that will foster academic success as well as enhance life skills. This course is designed to enhance the student’s unique academic, developmental and functional needs. My philosophy is that everyone can learn regardless of his/her intellectual level, by utilizing adaptations, modifications and accommodations. My goal for my students is to become as independent as possible and work to their full potential. Instructional activities will be conducted daily, and each student will demonstrate knowledge of skills that have been presented. My course assessment plan will be based on IEP mastery, GAA (Georgia Alternate Assessment) if applicable, teacher work samples, data collection, progress monitoring and one-on-one assessments. All students will need paper, a pencil and a communication notebook. I will communicate daily with all my parents through this notebook.
Course Description and Objectives
Moderately Intellectually Disabled (MOID) is a special education program for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Students have deficits in adaptive behaviors, communication, vocational, motor, and social skills. Students are on a functional curriculum. Functional skills are those skills a student needs to live independently. In my classroom, I will create a flexible program for students and a learning environment that provides specialized instruction for students with disabilities, such that the students will benefit from the general education curriculum to the greatest extent possible when supported with accommodations, modifications, or other needed supports.
None needed. We will utilize the Unique Learning System (ULS) as well as work on IEP goals.
Absences and Assignments
A doctor's or parent's excuse must be presented to the teacher upon returning to school. The teacher and/or paraprofessional will provide the student with missed assignment(s) for completion and submission.
Instructional Activities and Expectations
The Unique Learning System is a data collection center designed to identify individual student goals, preferences and skills within educational learning tasks. All areas of assessment within GPS have been created to accommodate unique learners. The Unique Learning System provides comprehensive, standards-based access to the general education curriculum for students with diverse learning needs. The lessons and activities are aligned to Georgia’s general and extended standards in all core subjects. Transitional standards are also addressed in Unique Learning System across all six grade bands. The students will interact with age-appropriate, differentiated materials designed to meet their instructional needs.
Instructional Activities
The students will receive a variety of assignments designed to enhance their learning. The activities and lessons are appropriate lessons as well as the standards for each grade level band each and every month. The students will have access to the grade band that aligns with their chronological age. This provides them with access to the general education curriculum, per the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). All the activities within Unique Learning System have been differentiated to include all learners, including Level 1 learners, who are classified as students with the most significant disabilities. Additionally, the students will expand their knowledge base of various subjects. This will be an extension and/or enrichment activities to enhance the student's learning.
Course Assessment Plan
The students will receive a variety of instructional, real-world, enrichment and reinforcement assignments daily that are designed to promote learning.
Evaluation (Grading Policy)
Students may have their scores reduced by 5% per school day for a 25% maximum reduction (five school days). Late work submitted after the fifth school day will only be accepted at the teacher's discretion.
- Major Grades (Tests/Quizzes, Class Participation, IEP Mastery)
- Minor Grades (Class Work, Group Work)
Relearn and Reassess Plan
These steps are essential in enabling the student to relearn and reassess.
- provide immediate and helpful feedback
- view online tutorial sessions
- provide worksheets
- frequent drill and repetition
- break down material into small manageable parts and differentiate
- Don't Stress!! Learning takes time.
Classroom Procedures & Expectations
The overall expectations in this class are to represent WAR (Westside, Accountable, Respectful). Below are the expectations for how to exhibit W. A. R. in Ms. Tuff's Class!! The classroom expectations will be enforced daily, and every child is expected to adhere.
- Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.
- Listen carefully.
- Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working.
- Respect school and personal property.
- Work and play safely.
- Be cooperative.
- Be on time.
- Come prepared with materials.
- Adhere to all policies, rules and regulations outlined in the student handbook and RCSS Code of Conduct.
Classroom Consequences
If a student decides not to follow the rules, the following will take place.
- Verbal Warning
- Quiet Time
- Loss of Preferred Activity
- Lunch Detention
- Call Parent/Meeting with Parent
- Contact an Administrator
Course Materials
- 1--Composition Notebook (for communication purposes)
- 1--Pack of Loose Leaf Paper
- 1--Pack of Pencils
Needed Supplies
- Hand Sanitizer
- Dry Erase Markers
- Kleenex
- Lysol or Clorox Wipes
My Contact Information
Email: tufffe@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
- Unique Learning System (ULS)
- IEP Mastery
**This syllabus is a guide. Therefore, it is subject to change to accommodate the class as well as the individual student's needs. By signing below, we acknowledge that we have read and understood the 2024-2025 MOID Course Syllabus.**
If you have any questions, I can be contacted at 706-868-4030. Please review this syllabus with your child. I trust that you had an enjoyable summer. I know that you are eager to embark upon a new, an exciting as well as a challenging school year. I look forward to establishing a great partnership. Let the journey begin!!!
Parent Contract
I understand that my child is expected to complete assignments on time. I will remain in communication with my child's teacher.
Student Contract
Signature of Parent/Guardian________________________ Date_____________
Signature of Student_______________________________ Date_____________