•   Welcome to the Westside High School
    Counseling Department
     Westside High School Counseling Department
    The Westside Counseling Department promotes a positive school climate in which students, staff, and parents feel safe, accepted, challenged, and encouraged.  
    Be Committed to Graduate
    Make this Year Count! 
    Remain on Track


    Monitor Grades and Attendance Anytime!
    With your Infinite Campus Parent Portal NOW!
     Follow the links on the homepage for your access codes.
    Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences 
    Please get in touch with Ms. Boxton to schedule a conference with teachers.  Students are encouraged to attend.  Conferences begin at 2:15 pm.  
    Scheduling Conferences with Ms. Thomas, Dr. McCord, or Ms. Latimore
    Students may schedule a conference during an elective time.