• Information Concerning DFA Auditions:


    Davidson Fine Arts applicants have two audition options when applying for admission to DFA.


    Option #1:   General Audition Only 

    Note:  All current 5th grade students will complete a general audition - solo audition is not an option.        

    All applicants will participate in a general fundamental audition in each of the fine arts areas listed below.  If this option is chosen, no additional paperwork is necessary.

    General Audition Evaulation Criteria for:

    Creative Writing:

    Applicant will be asked to write a short story from a picture to check for the following: content, use of organization and mechanics. 

     Dance Fundamentals:

    Applicant will be asked to follow simple steps to check for the following:  physical potential, rhythm, spatial awareness, imaginative skills, coach ability, and presence.  Applicants do not need costumes or dance shoes.

     Drama Fundamentals:

    Applicant will be asked to act both individually or in a group to check for the following: poise/stage presence, focus/concentration, creativity, physicality/body expression, pojection/script reading, and script interpretation.

     Music Fundamentals:

    Applicant will be asked to demonstrate abilities to check for the following:  rhythm, pitch discrimination, coach ability, range/technique, tone quality, and musicality.

     Visual Art Fundamentals:

    1. All applicants must bring a piece of artwork to the audition that was created by the student in the past year which will be scored (drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, craft, etc.).

    2. Applicant will complete a still life pencil drawing to check for the following: composition, perspective, detail, and creativity.


    Option #2:  General Audition with a Solo Audition


    • All applicants will participate in a general audition in each of the fine arts areas listed above. Applicants applying in grades 7th - 12th may also opt to perform a short solo in one fine arts area offered at Davidson.


    • This option is only recommended for students who have studied in school and/or after school in dance, drama, visual art, or music a minimum of two calendar years.


    • This solo option is not a mandatory component of the basic audition for entrance to Davidson, but it is an option for those students who meet the years-of-study criteria and who would like to demonstrate their proficiency above and beyond the more general audition.


    • This option should not be taken by an applicant unless he/she has received intensive training as stated. These solos will only aid adjudicators in making class placement decisions above the beginner level if the student is accepted to Davidson.


    • Solo audition criteria for each Fine Arts area are listed on the Davidson website under About Us tab/Admission.


    • If this option is chosen, complete the solo audition application on-line below.  If a solo application is not received by the deadline, applicants will complete a general audition.


     Solo Application:

    Please review the solo audition requirements above before completing the solo application.  High School applicants may opt to perform a short solo in one fine arts area.  This option is only recommended for students who have studied in school and/or after school in dance, drama, visual art, or music a minimum of two (2) calendar years.   

    Solo auditions closed on February 9th at 4:00 p.m.  Please call the main office if you have any other questions.


    Solo Criteria Requirements:

    Please review the solo audition criteria for the fine arts area applicant is interested in.  Click on the Solo Audition Criteria for the specific fine arts area criteria.


    Additional Solo Audition Information:

    Band Music - Middle School

    Band Music - High School

    Drama Monologues

    Vocal Music - Middle & High School


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