My name is Chad Hubbard, and I teach 11th Grade American Literature and 12th Grade British Literature.
I have a BA in English from Georgia Southern University and a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Augusta State University.
I've been a teacher for 22 years, but in that time I have also been a public speaking coach, Broadway-style musical director, pep-rally emcee, youth group volunteer, lipsync battle winner, summer camp counselor, and professional wedding singer. My amazing wife, Amanda, is an Assistant Principal at Westside High School but has also been a championship-winning cheerleading coach, English and Social Studies teacher, instructional specialist, travel planner, blogger, and mentor. Our daughter Eleanor is in 3rd grade and has thus far become an activity planner, sous chef, and amateur zoologist. Our twin boys, Ethan and Peter, turned 5 this summer. Ethan aspires to be a stunt double, a mathematician, and, of course, Batman. Peter plans on becoming either a Lego engineer or food critic, specializing in whether or not his peas are touching his macaroni.
Looking forward to a great 2024-2025 school year!
Contact Information
School Telephone: 706-737-7152
Email: hubbach@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Sign up for the Remind messaging app:
Remind for American Lit Parents:
Text @hubbardame to 81010
Remind for British Lit Parents:
Text @hubbardbr to 81010
Tutoring Hours: I am available after school every Thursday (I have afternoon car-line duty, so please let me know you are coming ahead of time, if possible)