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Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
Name: Ms. Blocker
Email: blockas@richmond.k12.ga.us
Phone: (706)737-7152, EXT 1579
Grade(s): 9-12
Subject(s): Choir/Piano/Music Appreciation/Ethnic Music Studies
I'm in your online class, but I have NO idea what to do!
- Go to Canvas
- Where is that? Check your LaunchPad.
- What's a LaunchPad?
- The LaunchPad is a platform used to house websites and apps that we use most often in Richmond County. This allows you to access these things quickly and efficiently.
- Where is my LaunchPad? - Look under the student tab of the school website, located under 'L.'
- https://www.rcboe.org/site/Default.aspx?PageType=1&SiteID=50&ChannelID=190&DirectoryType=6
- When you are in Canvas, the home page should be able to guide you further as the courses are further developed. Please remember that the courses are fluid, ever changing.
- You should have received a second email correspondence from me stating that we will use www.zoom.com for our synchronous (live) lessons.
- I went to zoom, but nothing happened!
- You need to have the class link to join the class.
- Where can I find the link?
- The link will be placed in Canvas on the home page, as needed. We will use the same link for each class.
- Please remember to check Canvas and your school email daily. Even when you are an online student, we are looking out for your attendance to make sure that all students receive the best education possible.
If you have any further questions, feel free to email me your concerns with a subject that refers to your concern. Please also make sure to include your name.
- Go to Canvas