
    Hi! I’m Mrs. Engstrom! 

    Welcome to 2024-2025 School Year! 

    Hello students and parents! I am so excited to be working with you all each day of this fabulous journey! I wanted to send out this letter so you all know a little bit about me.

    This is my seventh year teaching, and my second year at the Academy of Richmond County. I graduated with my Bachelor's in 2018, and I obtained my Master's in Instruction with a STEM/STEAM endorsement. Reading and writing are both passions of mine. I won the Patricia Lesher Essay Award and have one published creative non-fiction piece in an online literary journal (which unfortunately the website didn't get renewed - bummer). I have always done some form of teaching, whether it be in church for Sunday School, or simply being a mentor to youth.

    I have 3 amazing children: 2 boys - 11 and 5, and a 2yo daughter

    Some other fun facts about me:

    I love learning about different cultures. I am multi-ethnic - my mom is South Korean. I have traveled to Russia for a mission trip back in 2010. I was also able to attend an International Conference back in 2008 and 2009 when I was in high school and got to meet other students from all over the world.

    I’ve been ballroom dancing for about 8 years. I am also a photographer.

    I am a Marvel and Star Wars fan. I'm also a Disney girl.

    I also do a little bit of writing on the side as well when I have some free time.

    My favorite genre of books, music, and movies typically depends on my mood.

    I'm absolutely fascinated with my family tree.

    Contact Info:


    Call me at the school at 706.737.7152



    Mrs. Engstrom


    Following link you can read digital books online!


  • Contact Info: 

    Email - engstki@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us

    School phone - 706.737.7152

    Planning: 5th Period (regular schedule - 12:31-1:20)

    School hours: 8:10-3:10

    Tutoring Hours: 3:15-3:55 M, T, W, F by appointment


    1st Period Dramatic writing:  @1drwr25
    2nd Period British Lit:            @2britlit25
    3rd Period SAT Prep:              @3satprep25
    4th Period Tools for College: @4t4cs25
    6th Period British Lit:             @6britlit25
    7th Period Dramatic Writing: @7drwr25

    Degrees & Certs

    Bachelor's in English Education, Augusta University

    Master's of Education in Curriculum, Augusta University

    STEM/STEAM Endorsement

    Dramatic Writing Endorsement

    AP Lang Certification


    Click the following link for Senior Announcements: 
