Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Mrs. Sophia Hiatt
Hello students and parents! I am Mrs. Hiatt, a new teacher here at ARC. I have the pleasure of teaching Physical Science and Biology here in the Science Department. I'm excited for a great year of hands-on-learning and getting creative as we explore the way the natural world works around us!
A few things about me: I just got married to my wonderful husband this year, I grew up in Augusta (and attended Lakeside High School) but just moved back after living in Alabama the past 8 years, I have one spunky dog named Ellie, and I have always loved science and studied chemistry in my undergraduate program. You may also hear me being called Coach Hiatt as I will be assisting the JV Volleyball Team this year.
My philosophy of education aligns with Richmond County's mission and vision: I believe in educating the whole child in an equitable environment so that each student is prepared to succeed in life beyond the classroom. I am here to show up for each student every day and will give my all to helping them become the best version of themselves that they can be. I believe if you show up to class every day prepared and put in the effort necessary, you will do well not only in my classroom but in every class here.
I look forward to getting to know my students and their families this year and am available by email every day during the week to be accessible to you for whatever you need to succeed in my class. Let's have a great year Musketeers!
Bio Syllabus: Biology Syllabus
PS Syllabus: Physical Science Syllabus