Colonel (Ret.) Angela D. Grubbs
In 1976, Angela D. Grubbs graduated from ARC. She excelled in academics and sports. She was a varsity cheerleader and an active member of the Student Council and was always willing to fill other roles at ARC.
In 1980, Angela graduated from Georgia Southern University with a bachelor’s degree in biology. She enlisted in the Air Force and received a special duty assignment to the Epidemiology Lab at Brooks AFB , Texas. Upon commissioning, she was assigned as a Missile Launch Officer at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas.
In 1984, Angela received her master’s degree in Healthcare Management from Webster University. In 1987, she transferred to the Medical Service Corps where she served her first assignment as Section Commander. In 1989, she became the Director of Resource Management. In 1994, Angela took over the Managed Care and Health Policy and Analysis Section at Headquarters AFB, Ohio. Two years later, she joined the staff of the Office of the Assistant secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Tricare Management Activity, as Senior Program Analyst.
In 1998, Angela became the Operations Officer for the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C. Col. Grubbs and the Medical Examiner team responded to September 11, 2001, as they performed medical examinations on casualties from the terrorist attack on the Pentagon.
In 2002, Angela received her second master’s degree in Information Resource Management from Syracuse University. In 2003, she was selected as the Deputy Group Commander at Prince Sultan Air Base , Saudi Arabia. This assignment included her service during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
After the Iraqi War, Col. Grubbs was made commander of the 1st Medical Support Squadron , Langley AFB, Virginia.
In 2005, Col. Grubbs became the Chief, Requirements Division Office of the Air Force Surgeons General. She retired in 2008 from active duty. She became CHIEF, Requirements and Resources, at the Office of the Air Force Surgeon General.