Marion Wash

Mr. Marion Wash was a native of Edgefield County, SC. He lived in North Augusta, SC for fifty years. He served in the U.S. Army and was a graduate of the University of South Carolina. He earned his Master’s Degree in English from Duke University.


Mr. Wash taught for many years at ARC. He retired as an English teacher. Hundreds of his former students celebrated his life after his death in 2008.  He participated actively in helping his students achieve achievements. For example, he regularly accompanied his students to the University of Georgia’s National Merit Finalist Conference and other merit contests.


Mr. Wash was well-known as an extremely unique English teacher. He served for years as the advisor to the publication staff for the school annual, “The Rainbow.” He also served as Literary Advisor and exhibited his ingenuity and sense of humor by creating his own “MOTS” award (Master of the Sesquipedalian) for best student spellers each year. He was well-known and well-loved as an outstanding English teacher. He made sure his students were well prepared for future university settings.


Mr. Wash died on April 5, 2008, at the age of seventy-five.


The following are some of the many testimonials to Mr. Wash that his family received at his death:

“Mr. Wash was the greatest teacher I ever had, and he had a profoundly

positive impact on countless Richmond Academy students. Thanks to Mr. Wash I was thoroughly

prepared for the academic rigors of college and graduate school….”


“Mr. Wash was one of my most influential teachers. Under his

tutelage, I developed an appreciation for vocabulary and use

of the English language, which ultimately led to my becoming a published author…."