• Week-at-a-Glance Lesson Plan

    Week Overview:

    • Topic: Mental and Emotional Health
      Grade Level: 9-12
      • Georgia Performance Standards for Health Education:
      • HEHS.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
      • HEHS.2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
      • HEHS.3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
      • HEHS.4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
      • HEHS.5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
      • HEHS.6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
      • HEHS.7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
      • HEHS.8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health1.
    • Daily Breakdown: 
    • Monday: Introduction to Mental and Emotional Health
    • Objective: Understand the importance of mental and emotional health.
      • Activities:
      • Icebreaker: Share one thing that makes you happy.
      • Discussion: What is mental health? Why is it important?
      • Video: Introduction to Mental Health.
      • Group Activity: Create a mind map of factors affecting mental health.
    • Homework: Reflective journal entry on personal mental health.
    • Tuesday: Stress and Coping Mechanisms
    • Objective: Identify sources of stress and effective coping mechanisms.
      • Activities:
      • Discussion: Common sources of stress for teenagers.
      • Activity: Stress Ball Making.
      • Role-Playing: Practice stress management techniques.
      • Worksheet: Identify personal stressors and coping strategies.
    • Homework: Stress diary - track stress levels and coping methods used.
    • Wednesday: Building Resilience
    • Objective: Learn strategies to build resilience.
      • Activities:
      • Discussion: What is resilience? Why is it important?
      • Video: Stories of Resilience.
      • Group Activity: Create a resilience toolkit.
      • Worksheet: Personal resilience plan.
    • Homework: Write about a time you overcame a challenge.
    • Thursday: Healthy Relationships
    • Objective: Understand the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
      • Activities:
      • Discussion: What makes a relationship healthy?
      • Activity: Relationship Scenarios - Identify healthy vs. unhealthy behaviors.
      • Group Work: Create a poster on healthy relationship tips.
      • Worksheet: Self-assessment of personal relationships.
    • Homework: Interview a family member or friend about their views on healthy relationships.
    • Friday: Mental Health Resources and Advocacy
    • Objective: Learn about mental health resources and how to advocate for mental health.
      • Activities:
      • Discussion: Where can you find help for mental health issues?
      • Guest Speaker: Local mental health professional.
      • Group Activity: Plan a mental health awareness campaign for the school.
      • Worksheet: List of local and online mental health resources.
    • Homework: Create a flyer or social media post promoting mental health awareness.
    • Routines & Expectations:
      • Daily Routine:
      • Begin with a brief mindfulness exercise.
      • Review the day’s objectives and activities.
      • Engage in interactive discussions and activities.
      • End with a reflection or journaling activity.
      • Expectations:
      • Respect each other’s opinions and experiences.
      • Participate actively and positively in all activities.
      • Complete all assignments and homework on time.
      • Maintain confidentiality and support a safe classroom environment.


    Week at a Glance: High School Weightlifting Course


    Day 1: Introduction & Course Overview

    - **Objective**: Introduce students to the course, outline rules and expectations, and establish daily routines.

    - **Activities**:

      - Welcome and introductions

      - Overview of the course syllabus

      - Explanation of classroom rules and safety protocols

      - Introduction to daily routines (warm-up, workout, cool-down)

      - Brief tour of the weight room and equipment

    - **Standards**:

      - **PEHS.1**: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

      - **PEHS.2**: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.


    Day 2: Safety and Equipment Handling

    - **Objective**: Teach students proper safety measures and how to handle equipment correctly.

    - **Activities**:

      - Review of safety protocols

      - Demonstration of proper lifting techniques

      - Hands-on practice with equipment under supervision

      - Discussion on the importance of spotting and teamwork

    - **Standards**:

      - **PEHS.3**: Participates regularly in physical activity.

      - **PEHS.4**: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.


    Day 3: Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines

    - **Objective**: Establish effective warm-up and cool-down routines.

    - **Activities**:

      - Explanation of the benefits of warming up and cooling down

      - Demonstration of dynamic warm-up exercises

      - Practice of cool-down stretches and relaxation techniques

      - Group discussion on personal fitness goals

    - **Standards**:

      - **PEHS.5**: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

      - **PEHS.6**: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.


    Day 4: Introduction to Basic Exercises

    - **Objective**: Introduce students to basic weightlifting exercises.

    - **Activities**:

      - Demonstration of fundamental exercises (e.g., squats, bench press, deadlifts)

      - Supervised practice with light weights

      - Emphasis on proper form and technique

      - Discussion on the importance of consistency and progression

    - **Standards**:

      - **PEHS.1**: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

      - **PEHS.2**: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.


    Day 5: Review and Goal Setting

    - **Objective**: Review the week's lessons and set personal fitness goals.

    - **Activities**:

      - Recap of safety protocols, warm-up/cool-down routines, and basic exercises

      - Group discussion on individual progress and challenges

      - Setting short-term and long-term fitness goals

      - Introduction to tracking progress and maintaining a fitness journal

    - **Standards**:

      - **PEHS.3**: Participates regularly in physical activity.

      - **PEHS.4**: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

      - **PEHS.5**: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.