• General Information:


    Richmond County School System is now offering a secure website for students and corporations to request student records online.

    Per District policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) student records are only available to those who have authorization from the student or parent, guardian or responsible person if the student is less than 18 years of age. If the student is 18 years of age or older, school records will not be released to a parent, guardian, or responsible person without the student’s written consent.


    Please note the information below:

      • Requests for records must be completed online (through the link below), and will be processed on normal business days during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM). 
      • Walk-In hours are Monday - Friday 8:15 AM - 4:45 PM.
      • Phone, Email and fax requests will no longer be accepted.
      • For all records to be shipped outside the USA, there will be an additional $10.00 charge for International Shipping.
      • You will receive emails from scribOnline@scribsoft.com to notify you of the status of your order. It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request.
      • Allow up to five (5) business days for application processing.

    Please note that this website is optimized for IE 9.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.


    Click the link below to access the student records online request system: 
