Use the information on this page to learn about how to purchase approved software for your school, make a request to unblock a website for instructional use, or submit requests to review new software tools and resources prior to purchase. Select one of the options below and follow the instructions.
Purchasing & Rostering Approved Software
- Prior to purchasing any software, please check this list of district-approved resources. If the software is listed as "approved", you may proceed with the purchase as normal; you will also need to fill out the software deployment form if the software or resource will be rostered (i.e., it will be accessed via Classlink Launchpad).
- If the software is listed as "denied", the resource or tool may not be purchased. Contact your cluster's assigned Digital Learning Specialist if you need assistance selecting alternative tools or resources.
- If the software is not on the list, proceed to the Instructional Software Request Process below.
Unblocking Websites
To request that a website blocked by the district's web filter be white-listed (i.e., unblocked), the school's media specialist or an administrator may fill out this form.
Please Note: If the requested website requires teacher or student accounts to be set up, the request should instead be sent through the Instructional Software Request Process below.
Instructional Software Request Process
Prior to purchasing or setting up data integration for new software tools or resources which have not previously been approved or denied by the district, please follow the steps below.
Step 1
Is the software or resource for Classroom Instruction and/or does the software require student data to be accessed by a third party?
Please proceed to step 2.
For software and resource purchases unrelated to classroom instruction and to be used solely by faculty and/or staff, please submit your request using Classlink ( https://launchpad.classlink.com/rcboe, and select Incident IQ to create a new ticket (look for "Software/Online Systems" and then "software not listed" at the bottom of the page).
Step 2
Does the District already provide a software or resource that serves a similar purpose?
Yes or Unsure
Please contact your school's assigned Digital Learning Specialist. before proceeding.
Please proceed to step 3.
Step 3
Has this software or resource already been reviewed by the district?
Refer to this document if you are unsure.
Yes - it was approved!
Make sure your purchase request is approved by your building level admin and cluster leader (if applicable), then you may proceed with your purchase order. Make sure to fill out this deployment form once the purchase has been made.
Yes but it was denied.
This software or resource may not be purchased for classroom instruction. If you would like assistance identifying other software or resources that may address your needs, please contact your school's assigned Digital Learning Specialist.
Please submit your request to review the software or resource using this form. You will receive an email with next steps after the form has been submitted
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I integrate an LTI into Canvas?
Canvas External Apps can be configured at the account or course level. If apps do not already exist for a course, instructors can add external apps in their own courses. If an External App requires Admin installation, please follow the standard Instructional Software Request workflow above.
I want to use a free software or website - why does it have to be approved?
There are several reasons why "free" software and websites must still be approved prior to use. Any time student information (including usernames and passwords) is used or stored, the district must ensure that applicable federal, state, and local regulations are followed. The district must have formal agreements in place with vendors or other third party entities that access to any student data by that party is compliant with FERPA, CIPA, etc. Additionally, setting up data integrations to comply with these regulations often means that a resource or service that is free for individual use is no longer free for use by the institution or district.