Sand HillsGeorgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Supports
Richmond Site Thomson Site
1740 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 511 Main Street, Thomson, GA 30824
Phone: (706) 796-7791 Fax (706) 736-8195 Phone: (706) 726-3400
Serving: Glascock, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Taliaferro Warren, and Wilkes Counties
Member of the Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support (GNETS)
We "Unmask the Potential"
Administrative Staff
Ms. Talithia F. Newsome
Sand Hills GNETS Director
Phone: 706.796.7791
Email: newsota@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Ms. Tammy WalkerSand Hills GNETS Richmond County Site CoordinatorPhone: 706.796.7791Email:Mrs. Johnnetta GodbeeBookkeeperPhone: 706.796.7791Mr. LaDavian ClimonsGNETS Social WorkerPhone: 706-796-7791Ms. Angelette HarrisGNETS Administrative AssistantThomson SitePhone: 706-726-3400
Welcome to Sand Hills, where students can and do learn in an environment that capitalizes on the individual's academic and behavioral strengths. We believe that by using proactive interventions students will learn to direct their energies in positive directions, using effective coping skills and developing a positive self image, which will lead each student to equality of opportunity and full participation in today's society.
Sand Hills' Mission is to teach students the values and skills they need to live a successful life filled with a sense of belonging, a love for learning, and compassion for others.
Our Vision is to see students learn or rediscover skills that will help them to benefit from academic instruction in the least restrictive school environment available to them. Learning to use words to communicate ideas and feelings and discovering the value of being a group member enhances a student's ability to achieve. By working cooperatively with our students, their parents, local school personnel, and other community agencies our students will become life long learners and productive citizens.
Our academic curriculum is the Georgia Performance Standards. Classes are staffed with Highly Qualified, certified teachers and paraprofessionals. Classrooms are developed to provide a positive learning environment, focusing on each student's success and ability to learn. We strive to offer students a new perspective to help them achieve their academic, social, and behavioral goals so that they can make the choices to be successful in school.
Richmond County Sand Hills' classes are currently housed at Performance Learning Center located at Tubman, 1740 Walton way.
Sand Hills students living in Glascock, Lincoln, McDuffie, Taliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes counties attend classes in 511 Main Street in Thomson, Georgia.
Sand Hills is one of 24 GNETS Programs (Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Supports) and is funded through a State Grant and Federal VI-B funds. Support from Local School Systems is also essential to the efficient operation of the Sand Hills Program.
Sand Hills GNETS announces its intention to destroy records that were developed to provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for participating systems. This notice is in compliance with the federal, state, and local policy. Records will be destroyed June 15, 2023, based on the following criteria:
- Students who graduated with a high school diploma in 2022.
- Students who became twenty-two (22) years old between June 1, 2021 and June 1, 2022.
- Students with disabilities who graduated with a transition diploma or special education diploma, certificate of performance, or reached maximum age of 22
- Students who became deceased on or before January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022.
These records will be destroyed as they are no longer needed for educational purposes. The parent, legal guardian, or the student (18 years old or older) may request records prior to destruction by contacting the Sand Hills GNETS office at 706-796-7791. Please ask to speak with the Program Evaluator. You will be required to produce identification or provide verification data to acquire these records.