• Learn@Home Planning Resources for Teachers

    In anticipation for a transition switch to the Learn@Home environment, face to face teachers will begin to instruct their students asynchronously. In addition to asynchronous assignments, the teacher will make himself/herself available for synchronous support at one designated time each week following the schedule established by your school’s administration. Synchronous support is an optional support session for the teacher to provide real-time support. Students who cannot attend synchronous support sessions will not be penalized. Remember that your F2F students are in a unique situation. Extending compassion over compliance will help build a positive culture in your Learn@Home class. The RCSS Learn@Home Plan and resources can be found on our website at www.rcboe.org/learn@home. 

    Learn@Home Resources

    RCSS Digital Instructions Expectations for F2F Teachers per Grade Band


    Take Advantage of the content-specific Unplugged Activities provided by the Teaching and Learning Department:


    Social Studies



    GA Department of Education Digital Learning Resources: Extensive training opportunities and resources including free online courses for teachers new to virtual learning and instructional resources organized by content area.

    Open Educational Resources curated for teachers and students:
           GeorgiaStandards.org (Teacher Resource Link and Essentials Toolkit)
              Georgia Public Broadcasting

    Galileo library

    Amazing Educational Resources: Education companies offering FREE subscriptions



    Other Resources:

    • Better Lessons: This website features lesson plans and activities created by high-performing teachers across the country. 
    •  Universal School Library: This website offers a growing collection of digitized books that have been curated by a national advisory group of school librarians, librarian educators and researchers. Currently, you can search and find selected books from a selection of school libraries across the country, as well as from nationally recognized book award and recommendation lists.
    • Digital Citizenship : Common Sense Media Lessons
    • Georgia Department of Education Resources:  Up-to-date information and resources to keep you safe, healthy, educated, and connected during your Distance Learning Days.