Home School


    Please note that Richmond County Schools does not provide or endorse any home school courses or services. Information regarding state requirements for curriculum or additional information about the home school can be found at the Georgia Department of Education – Home School.

    Pursuant to Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690), the following are requirements for home school study programs: https://www.rcboe.org/Page/14000

    Georgia law requires parents or guardians who teach children at home to submit to the Georgia Department of education (GADOE) an online Declaration of Intent Form. A Declaration of Intent must be submitted to the Georgia Department of Education within 30 days after the establishment of a home student program and by September 1 annually thereafter. The school will also need a copy of this form. https://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Pages/Home-Study-DOI.aspx