The Georgia Legislature and Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) made changes that were effective July 1, 2015 to house all dual enrollment programs under one umbrella - MOVE ON WHEN READY.    Students in grades 9 - 12 now have two options for taking college courses that lead to earning a diploma, as well as college credit.   Students can now take college courses at a variety of schools in the traditional fashion or they can work towards earning a diploma, technical certificate or associate's degree from one of the University System of Georgia's technical colleges (UTCSG).  More specific information about the alternate path for graduation offered through the UTCSG is found under the Graduation Requirements section.


     Parents and students interested in exploring these options should contact their child's school counselor to discus possibilities and develop a plan. 



    Click the link below to access the GADOE site regarding Move on When Ready









Move On When Ready

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Move on When Ready Resources